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Tetelestai(2)It is finished!

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tetelestai - Tetelestai(2)It is finished! Empty Tetelestai(2)It is finished!

Post  fennywest Fri 02 Apr 2010, 7:56 am


Tetelestai- It is finished
Prophecies concerning Me
Have now been accomplished
I am hanging on the tree
Betrayed by My friend
None came to defend
It looked it was My end
My back was bleeding, bent
Sold for thirty pieces of silver
But through this, I cross the river.
Telelestai. No loved unshared. No height unreached. It is finished! Yes, it is finished!
I gave My all. I emptied Myself, that my fullness will come. I have paid the price
To bring about the prize- Salvation, reconciliation, redemption, atonement
The contract is sealed
The enemies have done their worst
But their worst bas brought My Best
Laws nailed to the cross
The new covenant enacted
Better promises purchased
With My precious blood
Foundation for peace profound laid
The New and Living Way opened
The Sun has now appeared
Darkness dealt a deadly blow
My Father’s desire and will is done
gates of brass broken
iron bars crushed
It is finished! I t is finished!
Man can now come boldly to God.
The good work God began is finished.
My Hands and feet pierced
Mocked and scourged
My garments parted
Lots cast, My Face they slapped
It is finished! It is finished!
My blood has been spilled
Innocent blood has been shed
Man’s sin is taken away
By the sinless Lamb of God
The veil has been torn
from top to bottom
the middle wall of partition
has now been bulldozed away
the curse has been taken away
a New day has come
a new era is ushered
God’s righteous demands satisfied
The deal is done, dos and don’t gone
Not the way for salvation or redemption
New covenant in place of the old
Satan dealt the ultimate blow
He had played into God’s hands
God had played His trump card
In the Redemptive Game of Chess
We won! It is finished!
Let the party begin!
Let the music play
It’s time to dance
The devil and demon spirits had their day;
they had a field day
They thought it was over for Me
But the table has now turned
It is finished! The deal is done!
Every tittle of my first coming is done.
Every iota of prophecy
of My coming has come true.
Shadows have gone,
Substance has come
I rest, satisfied. I rest, fulfilled.
It is done. Yes, it is done.
Through My precious blood
Salvation has come!
I have eaten the food prepared for Me
And I go satisfied, assured, fulfilled,
full of hope, full of faith, full of joy.
The joy set before Me has come
The pleasures at your Right Hand have come.
And because it is finished
The man who sat in darkness
Can now see the Sun and Son of righteousness
There is Hope for those who come
Penitent and confess their sins
They will be redeemed
Their sins will be forgiven
The old will go
and the new will come
They can enter a new day
Enter a new joy
Enter a new realm
Enter a new peace
Have peace with God
And the peace of God
Reach a new height
They can expect to finish
And finish well
Like Jesus finished
Like Paul finished
It is finished- tetelestai

[sup]30When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John19:30)

The Lord Jesus ended His work and suffering on the cross of Calvary with the words "It is finished!" (Jn. 19:30). In the original language in which John recorded these words, only one word is spoken by the Lord Jesus--tetelestai. Not three words but one--finished.
It was the cry of consummation, the cry of victory and of completion. In this one word, the Savior declared a fact, a truth so wonderful that Satan has been busy ever since trying to hide from the minds of men and women the meaning of Jesus' last triumphant cry.
As a result, there are millions of earnest, sincere, seeking souls who long for peace and rest but have not yet realized that salvation is a completed work. There is nothing more to be done. Yet these dear souls work and sacrifice, doing things they feel will merit for them the favor of God.
Stand with me once more before that cross. In that deep darkness when God hid His face, hear the Savior's powerful cry, "It is finished!" At that moment the earth shook, the rocks were split, and the graves were opened (Mt. 27:51-52). His work of salvation was complete. Aren't you glad you can say, "Praise God, it is finished for me!" — M.R. De Haan
Lifted up was He to die,
"It is finished," was His cry;
Now in heaven exalted high:
Hallelujah, what a Savior! --Bliss
Salvation cannot be earned; it must be accepted.

Our Daily Bread


Last edited by fennywest on Wed 09 Nov 2011, 9:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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tetelestai - Tetelestai(2)It is finished! Empty Re: Tetelestai(2)It is finished!

Post  WARRIOR Fri 14 May 2010, 5:19 pm

Truly this poem is overwhelming... It makes me choke with emotion. I fight the tears knowing HE died in my place, for me. It is overwhelming I say. Thank God for His Grace and Mercy!!!
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