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Poetry Lesson 25 Creative Poetry Meander

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Poetry Lesson 25 Creative Poetry Meander Empty Poetry Lesson 25 Creative Poetry Meander

Post  fennywest Wed 09 Nov 2011, 4:46 pm

Creative Poetry

MEANDER-Word of God

Lesson 25

Creative Poetry

In this section I will encourage you to be creative in your poetry writing. You have seen different types of poems created by others, giving us specific guidance to be able to repeat the type.
Your guidance has to be concise, clear, understandable, and applicable.
MEANDER-Word of God
Meander is a new type of poem, like a quadruple etheree but with a different twist, It is based on a theme or related themes. Numbers on the lines indicate the number of syllables on the line.

This can be extended into an epic when you have a very long meandering Meander like Mississippi, in which case you can change the name to Mississippi.

Author: Fenny West.
You can see the ‘M’ Shape?

2Of God
3Sure and pure;
4Light to my path
5Reviving the soul
6Making wise the simple
7More desirable than gold
8Source of encouragement and faith
9It’s God’s promise, keeping me from shame
10A lamp to my feet and a light to my path
10Sword of the Spirit, brings satisfaction
9Illuminates the eyes, breaks bondages
8Living, the fountain of wisdom
7An inheritance, brings life
6Creative, beautiful
5Gives the fear of God
4Bringing boldness
3God’s decree
4Giving insight
5Lasting forever
6Good for meditation
7Reward to those who heed it
8Source of great peace, dynamic, broad
9God’s mind, His thought, His way and delight
10Music to my ears, perfect, trustworthy
10Great reward, medicine to ones whole body
9Good food, fire, hammer, priceless, boundless
8Gives discernment to your servant
7My teacher and counselor
6Cleanses from hidden fault
5Gives understanding
4Spirit and life
3Bright, powerful
3 Than riches
4Brings Good Success
5 Keeping me from sin
6 Bringing joy to the heart
7Makes me hate any false way
8God’s judgment, a treasure and pleasure
9A weapon, source of strength, and wisdom
10I wakeup at night thinking of the word
10I love it like one who’s found great spoil
9It shows me the way to go and to live
8Worth clinging to and obeying
7Precious, delight to my ears
6Makes me walk in freedom
5Settled in Heaven
4The will of God
3Bread of life
1 Seed
2Brings fruit
4 Bans barrenness
5Very powerful
6God watches over it
7Makes me wiser than elders
8Shaper than any two-edged sword
9Better than diamond or silver
10Sweeter than honey in the honey comb

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Warning : Poetry Lesson 25 Creative Poetry Meander 110

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