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Supernatual Joy

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Supernatual Joy Empty Supernatual Joy

Post  dove Tue 15 Jan 2008, 2:20 pm

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

There is a supernatural joy that can only be experienced by the Holy Spirit. This joy is not happiness. Happiness is temporary; it is when something good happens to you. But the joy the Bible is speaking about here in Nehemiah is an everlasting joy that only believers can experience. This joy is deep within you at all times, even in dark times you can find this joy down within you. That doesn't mean you will never feel hurt or sorrowful, but it means when hurt and sorrow come all you have to do is find the presence of the Lord; for there is joy in His presence! (Psalm 16:11) Remember, happiness is temporary, it is when something good happens to you; but joy has nothing to do with us, it is found in the presence of Jesus Christ. When this joy comes into your life it brings such strength to your heart and body. That's why the Bible say's, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine". (Proverbs 17:22)

There is another place that joy comes from. According to God's holy word in the book of Matthews, it say's that by studying the word it will bring joy into your life. (Matthew 13:20) Not just reading the word, but studying the word. Getting deep into the word and finding hidden treasures, that's what makes it so joyful. The way to find these hidden treasures in God's word is to allow the Holy Spirit to show you the secrets of God, "yea even the deep things of God" as the scripture says in 1st Corinthians. There is nothing like studying the word of God in its richness. As you begin to study the Bible you will learn that the only way to understand some of the scriptures is to know the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelations. No, you don't have to go to some seminary to learn the Bible; you have the greatest Bible teacher right there with you and His name is the Holy Spirit. As He guides you through His word you will experience more joy than you can imagine. This joy will bring deliverance and health to your life and soul, never forget that! Fill your mind with the word of God. I know; there will be those who will read this book that are bound with sickness and disease and are thinking, "I can't enjoy anything because of this sickness and pain". I want to assure you that even in your situation however bad it might be you can experience such joy and revelation through God's word. Think about this, where were most of the Apostle Paul's writings from? Prison Right! Sickness is a temporary prison, begin to use this time that you are inoperative to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you some awesome revelations from His word.

If you are reading this book from a hospital bed or if you are bound to any bed because of the sickness that has attacked your life; use that time there in bed to fill your heart and mind with God's word. Surround yourself with books; "Anointed Books" always have a pen and paper with you to take notes on everything that the Holy Spirit shows you. You will find that you can turn your mess into something glorious just by filling your heart with God's precious word. Then one day Jesus will remove that sickness from your life and begin to use you in a powerful way. Before Jesus Christ used Saul (Who became Paul the Apostle) he was on a sick bed with blindness (Acts 9:17) As you are reading this book no matter what your situation is, God almighty is igniting a fire in your heart for His word. Take that fire and begin to study God's word and find hidden treasures that will forever change your life. You are about to experience the joy of the Lord in such an abundance that can only be found in the presence and the word of our wonderful Savoir.

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Christian Talk Member

Mood : I feel Blessed

Number of posts : 246
Age : 43
Location : USA
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Registration date : 2007-07-09
Points : 30767
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Country : Supernatual Joy RedCross-1

Warning : Supernatual Joy 110

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