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Good-Bye Belly Fat

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Good-Bye Belly Fat Empty Good-Bye Belly Fat

Post  Waqar Daniel Fri 20 Jul 2007, 6:29 pm

Lose inches and get toned in 6 weeks with high-energy walks, power Pilates, and the best flat-abs foods.

By Elena Rover, Prevention

Good-Bye Belly Fat Msn_abs

Week 1
Power Walks: 3 days, 20 min

Triple-Decker Walks: 1 day, 18 min

Pilates Power Moves: 3 days, earlier versions or main moves
Week 2
Power Walks: 3 days, 25 min

Triple-Decker Walks: 1 day, 24 min

Pilates Power Moves: 5 days, earlier versions or main moves
Week 3
Power Walks: 3 days, 30 min

Triple-Decker Walks: 1 day, 30 min

Pilates Power Moves: 3 days, main moves
Week 4
Power Walks: 3 days, 30 min

Triple-Decker Walks: 2 days, 18 min

Pilates Power Moves: 5 days, main moves
Week 5
Power Walks: 3 days, 30+ min

Triple-Decker Walks: 2 days, 24 min

Pilates Power Moves: 3 days, harder versions
Week 6+
Power Walks: 3 days, 30+ min

Triple-Decker Walks: 2 days, 30+ min

Pilates Power Moves: 5 days, harder versions
5 easy tips, 7 days a week: Make simple substitutions in your food choices to reduce abdominal fat without feeling deprived.Power Walks

Improve your body's calorie-burning ability and shrink fat cells. Start with 20 minutes, but if you feel ready for more, go for it! The key is to walk with focus, pumping your arms and working every muscle, to maximize your calorie burn:
Use your full stride: Land squarely on your heel, then roll through the foot to push off strong with the toes.
Make it brisk: Be sure to keep your breathing regular and controlled, but maintain a pace that makes it a little difficult to carry on a conversation.
Add new challenges: If you can talk easily at a brisk pace, go even faster, climb steps, or increase the incline on the treadmill to ramp up the intensity. Triple-Decker Walks
These intervals (see above, "Your Workout at a Glance") let you burn more calories for a longer period of time, which translates to more allover slimming:
Warm-up, 3 min: Go at an easy pace that allows you to sing.

Level 1, 2 min: Stride comfortably but purposefully, not so fast that you can't carry on a conversation.

Level 2, 2 min: Bump up heart rate by climbing a set of stairs or a steep hill.

Level 3, 2 min: Challenge yourself with a steeper hill or quicken your pace.

Cool-down, 3 min: Walk leisurely enough that you can sing.
Weeks 1 & 4: Repeat each level twice.

Weeks 2 & 5: Repeat each level 3 times.

Weeks 3 & 6: Repeat each level 4 times.6 Pilates Power Moves

These six exercises are graceful, but they're also intense. Precision is vital to results, so start slowly. Try the main moves first; if they're too strenuous, stick with the easier versions, and try to take it up a notch around week 3.
"Compared with crunches, most Pilates ab exercises challenge the abdominals to a greater degree," says Michele S. Olson, PhD, a professor of exercise science at Auburn University Montgomery.
For an even faster payoff, we paired the moves with an exercise band (available at sporting-goods stores): Research shows that adding extra resistance to strength-training almost triples the benefits. These sessions deliver results similar to those experienced by the Skidmore study subjects flatter abs in shorter workouts. 1. The Scissor
(Works abs, quadriceps, hamstrings, biceps, shoulders)
Main Move: Seated, place center of band around ball of left foot, grasping one end in each hand. Roll down, back on floor, legs extended, feet flexed. Curl head, neck, and shoulders up, pressing belly to spine. With upper arms on floor, bend elbows, bringing fists to chest. Lift left leg straight up over hip. Using a rapid, controlled motion, inhale and kick left leg down, stopping just inches from floor, while lifting right leg straight up. Exhale and switch legs. Repeat for a total of 8 reps. Switch band to right leg and repeat.

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Make it easier: Rest head and shoulders on floor.

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Make it harder: Grasp band closer to foot to increase resistance. 2. Seated Side Twist with Triceps
(Works obliques, back, quadriceps, triceps, shoulders)
Main Move: Sit tall, legs extended, toes pointed. Bend left knee, foot on floor, and place center of band under ball of foot, holding band ends in left hand. Turn torso to face left knee, wrapping right hand around left knee and squeezing shoulder blades.

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Exhale and lift and extend left leg to 45-degree angle with floor while straightening and extending left arm back at shoulder height and turning to face left hand. Keeping back erect, inhale as you bend and lower leg and arm. Do 8 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

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Make it easier: Keep both feet on floor.
Make it harder: Instead of holding knee, extend free arm toward toes at shoulder height and hold there for entire move.

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3. Double Leg X
(Works abs, back, shoulders, quadriceps, hips, biceps)
Main Move: Seated with knees bent, place band under balls of both feet. Crisscross band, holding one end in each hand, and slowly roll down until back is on floor, keeping knees bent and bringing thighs close to chest, feet flexed. With upper arms on floor, elbows bent and tucked in, raise head and shoulders.

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That's the start position. Inhale and straighten legs out to sides while raising arms out and overhead to form an X. Keep movement controlled. Hold for 1 count and return to start. Repeat for a total of 8 reps.

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Make it easier: Keep feet on floor for first 5 reps.
Make it harder: Hold extended position for 5 counts on each rep. 4. The Breaststroke
(Works back, abs, shoulders, arms, hips)
Main Move: Kneeling, toes curled under, place center of band around balls of feet, holding one band end in each hand. Slowly walk out on hands and lie facedown on floor, feet flexed, hands on floor directly beneath shoulders, elbows tucked in. Contract abs and back muscles to lift head and shoulders gently; exhale and extend arms forward at shoulder level, lifting feet at the same time. Circle arms out to sides, then in toward legs and down. Inhaling, circle wrists to bring hands back to floor under shoulders, lowering feet. Do 8 reps.

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Make it easier: Hold chest closer to floor; don't lift feet.
Make it harder: As you circle arms to sides, open lifted legs wide and hold for 3 counts before lowering and completing arm circle. 5. Starfish Extension
(Works obliques, upper back, outer thighs, shoulders)
Main Move: Sitting with knees bent, feet flat on floor, place band around ball of right foot, grasping both ends in right hand. Roll onto left side, legs stacked, knees slightly bent, and rest right hand on hip.

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Aligning left elbow under shoulder (left hand forward, fingers spread for support), lift hips to make a straight line from knees to head. Exhale as you lift right leg, straightening knee and extending right arm overhead. Don't sink into shoulder. Inhale on release. Complete 4 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

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Make it easier: Keep hips on floor.
Make it harder: Straighten bottom leg to form a straight line from feet to head.

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6. The Hundred
(Works abs, triceps, shoulders)
Main Move: Seated with knees bent, place center of band under calves, just below knees. Crisscross band over shins and hold one end in each hand, next to legs. Touching fingertips to backs of thighs, exhale and slowly roll down until back is on floor. Lift knees over hips, with lower legs parallel to floor. Curl head, neck, and shoulders up, pressing belly to spine. Grasping band in fists, reach arms straight, parallel to floor. Inhaling, pump arms rapidly up and down 5 times. Exhaling, pump arms 5 times. Repeat for a total of 10 breaths (100 arm pumps).

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Make it easier: Rest head and shoulders on floor during exercise.

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Make it harder: Grasp band closer to legs to increase resistance.
Waqar Daniel
Waqar Daniel

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Age : 53
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Registration date : 2007-06-25
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Country : Good-Bye Belly Fat RedCross-1

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