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Etherees-Lesson 4

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Etherees-Lesson 4  Empty Etherees-Lesson 4

Post  fennywest Thu 03 Nov 2011, 11:07 pm

Lesson 4 Etherees



Lesson 4


The poetry form, Etheree, consists of 10 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 syllables. Etheree can
also be reversed and written 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Get creative and write an Etheree with
more than one verse, but follow suit with an inverted syllable count.

Reversed Etheree: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Double Etheree: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

...Triple Etheree, Quadruple Etheree, and so on!

The number beside each line (when shown) indicates the number of syllables in the line.

God So loved You and Me (double standard Etheree) published

2So loved
3You and me
4That He gave His
5Best, one and only
6Beloved Son, Jesus Christ
7that whosoever believes
8in Him should not perish but have
9 abundant and everlasting life
10What a God, what a gift, how generous.
10Thank you Lord, for forgiving me my sins
9I would be lost without your great love
8So rich, so full, so wonderful;
7I cannot thank you enough.
6Blessings and glory be
5to You, King of kings,
4the Great I Am,
my rest,

Great is Your Faithfulness (Standard Ethere)

2Is Your
4O Lord, my God.
5Your mercies are new
6each and every morning
7when I look at the heavens,
8the moon and the stars You have made,
9what is man that You visit him, Lord?
10Mighty God, how majestic is your name.

Praise Awaits You, O Lord.

You, O Lord.
The Holy One
The great matchless God
Who rules from sea to sea.
You are glorious, excellent,
Magnificent, pre-eminent,
Wonderful, Sovereign, reigning supreme
From everlasting to everlasting.

O Give Thanks To The Lord
2Give thanks
3To the Lord,
4For He is good.
5And His love endures
6for ever and ever.
7Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
8To Him who rescued us from sin
9For His mercies endures for ever
Give thanks to the Good Shepherd, our Ransom.

I Will Lift Up My Eyes (double reverse Ethere)

10Yes, I will lift up my eyes to the Lord.
9He is my Shield, Shelter and my Strength
8He never abandons His Child
7He can be trusted always.
6His Spirit comforts me
5His Word is my food
4And His angels
will always
be there.
2I can
3Rest assured
4That no weapon
5Fashioned against me
6Anywhere, anytime
7Shall on no account prevail.
8God will protect me, fight for me
9provide for me, guide and direct me
10deliver me, answer me and save me.

Ps 121, Isa 54:17, Ps 34;7, Phil4:19, Ps23, Ps32:8, Ps91:14-16, Ex14:14

Sing a New Song
2a new
3song to Him.
4who rides the winds
5and can heal the sick
6He walks on the waters
7and even raises the dead
7and brings water out of the rock
parts the sea, rains manna from heaven
and makes the impossible possible10

He makes the impossible possible.
Rains manna from heaven, parts the sea;
Brings water out of the rock,
And even raises the dead.
He walks on water,
Can heal the sick;
He rides the winds.
Sing to Him
A new

Ps 96;1,-98:1, -144:9, 149:1, Isa42:10, Ps33:3

The Great Escape!
2A flash,
4It will happen.
5The dead will rise first,
6Then those alive in Him.
7In a twinkle of an eye,
8We shall be caught up in the air.
9We shall be changed, mortality clothed
10With immortality, the trumpet call;
10The Lord Himself will descend with a shout
9That sown in dishonour, raised glorious
8Death, last enemy, defeated.
7Grave, where is your victory?
6Death, where now is your sting?
5He swallowed up death
3God the Son
2The Lord

I Thess4:16-18, I Cor15:42-56
©Fenny West

He Rose Up Triumphant (Double reverse Ethere)

10Miraculous came from the ridiculous.
9Demonic forces thought they had won
8Crucifying Lord of Glory
7Beat Him and vilified Him
6But Satan got it wrong
5Jesus rose again
4In victory
3The third day
2Could not
3Hold the King
4The King of Kings
5And the Lord of Lords
6He led captivity
7Captive, and then took the keys
8From the foe, the keys of Hades
9He rose up triumphant as the Lord
10And the Lion of the Tribe of Judah


2Not here
3Over there
4Where it’s all fair
5The time very near
6Soon we’ll be going there
7His word says so, very clear
8I will like to see you all there
9Listen to what the Spirit says here
10 He who has an ear will listen and hear
10If you know Him, you are a citizen
9Of heaven, and you have a passport
8To glory, His very presence
7A place of peace, great blessings
6It’s a wonderful place
5We’re looking forward
4All by His grace
3This promised
2Great place

1Home 2
2of God
3and of Christ
4and the Holy
5Spirit, the Standby
6the place of the angels
7Home to the people of God
8the Saints, the redeemed, the righteous
9It is a City with foundations
10Whose architect and builder is our God
10Not a place for the impure or greedy
9no flesh and blood or the immoral
8No corruption or weariness
7No immoral, impure or greedy
6No more sorrow of pain
5No curse and no night
4God’s Presence, light
3Divine place

The Holy Spirit (double Etheree)

The 1
Holy 2
Spirit is3
Comforter, and4
Standby, Gentle Guide 5
Refiner Anointing6
Teaching and Interceding7
Strengthening Equipping Convicting8
Commissioning, and Empowering9
Counselor, Creating Leading Helping10
Filling, Reviving Advocating,9
Revealing, Removing burdens8
Comforting Destroying yokes7
Reproving Indwelling,

©Fenny West

Now it's your turn to try.
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