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Idols - In loving memory of Dot Poutre

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Idols - In loving memory of Dot Poutre Empty Idols - In loving memory of Dot Poutre

Post  WARRIOR Fri 30 Apr 2010, 11:45 am

[This is a bible study from my friend Dot who has passed away.

Sharing it with all of you].
Idols Ezra 10:1-4 Nehemiah 8:1-9. We are all born with a desire
for God. As we seek to fulfill that desire, we settle for less than the
best which is God. We do not understand until we are enlightened
by the Holy Spirit.
Sin = Psalm 52. Transcretion of the law of God is doing wrong.
Iniquity is looking back and wanting what you've left behind.
Example> Lot's wife. Keeping iniquity in your heart. Longing for it, still
wanting it: Lusts, pleasures.
Psalm 38:4> Iniquity is wickedness, wantoness (down deep evil).
Example> Moses with Israel. Wanting to go back to Egypt. God gave
manna from heaven.
Israel was not satisfied. They wanted Quail. They were not satisfied, etc.
>Israel would not accept God's grace for now.
Psalm 38:4> David is tormented in his soul. Even though he turned from
his sin he still longs and desires it. He is sinning in his heart. he is not
free from it. (vs. 5 + 6). Our understanding is darkened and our will is
numb. One gets calloused to sin.
Iniquity is a fondness for sin. If one dwells on the sin it torments you.
Romans 7:15-21; Psalm 38:4; Psalm 66:18. James 4:3 Lusts, pleasures
EQUALS iniquities. It's when you hold it in your heart. If I confess it,
I'll be forgiven, but if I won't give it up, that's iniquity.
Satan will find that crack in your head, be an accuser and say, "remember
what you did?" And torment you with guilt. You must know what those
things are in your life: Your sin, your iniquities, your guilt. We need to
move on into Hebrews Chapter 6. We got to get over these things. It's
time for us to grow up, believe God's Word. We got to learn to act
according to the will of God for our lives.
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